Fletcher Falls hike offers stunning views
A few kilometres north of Ainsworth Hot Springs, overlooking Kootenay Lake, a small sign marks the start of the path down to Fletcher Falls.
There is a parking area on the right side of the highway and from there, the tree-lined path is an easy downhill hike to the lake. There are also some steeper descents for those who prefer a shorter, more direct route.
The path to the falls follows a descending switchback course, ending at a forestry campsite and a day use area, with a short pathway to the falls. There is also a salmon spawning area near the waterfall.
It’s a short hike of perhaps 15 minutes from the parking area down to waterfall and it’s well worth the effort.
For photographers and visual artists, there are plenty of spots offering spectacular views of the waterfall.
“Did they say 20 flights of stairs? That’s a lot of climbing.”
Porter & Merlot
While the waterfall at the end of the path is spectacular, the entire hike is an experience to be savoured. The moss, fern and smell of damp pine in the air create an atmosphere of a hidden corner of paradise.
The hike back from the falls takes a bit more energy than the downhill hike. It is the equivalent of climbing 20 flights of stairs. But the views at the bottom make this hike well worth the effort. And the climb itself isn’t all that bad.